- 首页 >> C/C++编程 Question 1 (20 points):
a. Given the following (unbalanced) binary search tree:
We are executing the following two operations on the tree above (not one after
the other):
• Inserting 10
• Deleting 13
For each one of these operations, apply the algorithm described in class, and
draw the resulting tree.
b. Let T be a binary search tree. If we traverse T in post-order, we get the
following sequence:
Postorder(T): 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 9, 8, 11, 10, 7, 1
Draw T.
Question 2 (25 points):
Consider the following definition of a mono-data subtree:
Let T be a binary tree containing integers as data in its nodes, and let T’ be a
subtree of T. We say that T’ is a mono-data subtree, if all the nodes of T’ have the
same data.
For example, in the following tree, the subtree that is circled in red is a mono-data
subtree, as all its nodes have the same data (the common data is 4).
Note: Each leaf is a mono-data subtree (these are the smallest mono-data
subtrees possible).
In this question, we will implement the following function:
def count_mono_data_subtrees(bin_tree)
The function is given bin_tree, a non-empty LinkedBinaryTree object, it will
return the number of mono-data subtrees in bin_tree.
For example, if called with the tree above, it should return 6, as these are the six monodata
Complete the implementation (given in the next page) for the function
In the implementation you should define a nested recursive helper function:
def count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(root)
This function is given root, a reference to a LinkedBinaryTree.Node, that
indicates the root of the subtree that this function operates on.
def count_mono_data_subtrees(bin_tree):
def count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(root):
____________ = count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(bin_tree.root)
return _________
Implementation requirements:
1. Your implementation has to run in linear time. That is, if there are n nodes in
the tree, your function should run in θ(n) worst-case.
2. Your implementation for the helper function must be recursive.
3. You are not allowed to:
o Define any other helper function.
o Add parameters to the function’s header lines.
o Set default values to any parameter.
o Use global variables.
To meet the runtime requirement, you may want count_mono_data_subtrees_helper
to return more than one value (multiple values could be collected as a tuple).
Question 3 (25 points):
We say that a sequence of numbers is a palindrome if it is read the same
backward or forward.
For example, the sequence: 6, 15, 6, 3, 47, 3, 6, 15, 6 is a palindrome.
Implement the following function:
def construct_a_longest_palindrome(numbers_bank)
When given numbers_bank, a non-empty list of integers, it will create and return
a list containing a longest possible palindrome made only with numbers from
1. The longest palindrome might NOT contain all of the numbers in the
2. If no multi-number palindromes can be constructed, the function may return
just one number (as a single number, alone, is a palindrome).
3. If there is more than one possible longest palindrome, your function can
return any one of them.
For example, if numbers_bank=[3, 47, 6, 6, 5, 6, 15, 3, 22, 1, 6, 15],
Then the call construct_a_longest_palindrome(numbers_bank) could return:
[6, 15, 6, 3, 47, 3, 6, 15, 6] (Which is a palindrome of length 9, and
there is no palindrome made only with numbers from numbers_bank that is
longer than 9).
Implementation requirements:
1. You may use one ArrayQueue, one ArrayStack, and one ChaniningHashTableMap.
2. Your function has to run in expected (average) linear time. That is, if numbers_bank
is a list with n numbers, your function should run in &(') average case.
3. Besides the queue, stack, hash table, and the list that is created and returned, you may
use only constant additional space. That is, besides the queue, stack, hash table, and
the returned list, you may use variables to store an integer, a double, etc. However, you
may not use an additional data structure (such as another list, stack, queue, etc.) to
store non-constant number of elements.
Question 4 (30 points):
Recall the Minimum-Priority-Queue ADT we introduced in class. A minimum priority queue
is a collection of (priority, value) items, that come out in an increasing order of priorities.
A Minimum-Priority-Queue supports the following operations:
• p = PriorityQueue(): Creates an empty priority queue.
• len(p): Returns the number of items in p.
• p.is_empty(): Returns True if p is empty, or False otherwise.
• p.insert(pri, val): Inserts an item with priority pri and value val to p.
• p.min(): Returns the Item (pri, val) with the lowest priority in p,
or raises an Exception, if p is empty.
• p.delete_min() : Removes and returns the Item (pri, val) with the
lowest priority in p, or raises an Exception, if p is empty.
Complete the definition below of the LinkedMinHeap class, implementing the MinimumPriority-Queue
ADT. In this implementation, you should represent the heap using node
objects and references to form a tree structure (a “linked representation” of the tree). That is,
you should construct Node objects with references to their "children" and “parent”.
Note: In class (when we implemented the ArrayMinHeap class) we represented the heap
using an “array representation” of the tree.
class LinkedMinHeap:
class Node:
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
self.parent = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
class Item:
def __init__(self, priority, value=None):
self.priority = priority
self.value = value
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.priority < other.priority
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.size = 0
def __len__(self):
def is_empty(self):
def min(self):
def insert(self, priority, value=None):
def delete_min(self):
1. In the LinkedMinHeap class that you would need to complete (given in the
previous page), we already implemented two nested classes:
• Node – should be used for each node object of the linked binary tree.
• Item – should be used to store the (priority, value) item of the Priority Queue.
2. We also implemented the __init__ method of the LinkedMinHeap class.
Each LinkedMinHeap object would maintain two data members:
• self.root – A reference to the heap’s root node. Initially set to None
(indicating an empty tree)
• self.size – Indicating the number of nodes in the heap. Initially set to 0.
Implementation requirements:
1. You are not allowed to add data members to the LinkedMinHeap object.
That is, you can’t edit the __init__ method, that initializes root and size as the
only data member.
2. Runtime requirements:
• Each one of the insert and delete_min operations should run in θ(log (n))
worst case (where n is the number of elements in the priority queue).
• Each one of the len, is_empty, and min operations should run in θ(1) worst case.
3. You may define additional helper methods.
Hint: You might want to re-watch the beginning of the last lecture (1134 – 5/6 lecture).
We had a short discussion about one of the challenges in representing the heap using the
linked representation of the tree, and we described a way to overcome this challenge.
a. Given the following (unbalanced) binary search tree:
We are executing the following two operations on the tree above (not one after
the other):
• Inserting 10
• Deleting 13
For each one of these operations, apply the algorithm described in class, and
draw the resulting tree.
b. Let T be a binary search tree. If we traverse T in post-order, we get the
following sequence:
Postorder(T): 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 9, 8, 11, 10, 7, 1
Draw T.
Question 2 (25 points):
Consider the following definition of a mono-data subtree:
Let T be a binary tree containing integers as data in its nodes, and let T’ be a
subtree of T. We say that T’ is a mono-data subtree, if all the nodes of T’ have the
same data.
For example, in the following tree, the subtree that is circled in red is a mono-data
subtree, as all its nodes have the same data (the common data is 4).
Note: Each leaf is a mono-data subtree (these are the smallest mono-data
subtrees possible).
In this question, we will implement the following function:
def count_mono_data_subtrees(bin_tree)
The function is given bin_tree, a non-empty LinkedBinaryTree object, it will
return the number of mono-data subtrees in bin_tree.
For example, if called with the tree above, it should return 6, as these are the six monodata
Complete the implementation (given in the next page) for the function
In the implementation you should define a nested recursive helper function:
def count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(root)
This function is given root, a reference to a LinkedBinaryTree.Node, that
indicates the root of the subtree that this function operates on.
def count_mono_data_subtrees(bin_tree):
def count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(root):
____________ = count_mono_data_subtrees_helper(bin_tree.root)
return _________
Implementation requirements:
1. Your implementation has to run in linear time. That is, if there are n nodes in
the tree, your function should run in θ(n) worst-case.
2. Your implementation for the helper function must be recursive.
3. You are not allowed to:
o Define any other helper function.
o Add parameters to the function’s header lines.
o Set default values to any parameter.
o Use global variables.
To meet the runtime requirement, you may want count_mono_data_subtrees_helper
to return more than one value (multiple values could be collected as a tuple).
Question 3 (25 points):
We say that a sequence of numbers is a palindrome if it is read the same
backward or forward.
For example, the sequence: 6, 15, 6, 3, 47, 3, 6, 15, 6 is a palindrome.
Implement the following function:
def construct_a_longest_palindrome(numbers_bank)
When given numbers_bank, a non-empty list of integers, it will create and return
a list containing a longest possible palindrome made only with numbers from
1. The longest palindrome might NOT contain all of the numbers in the
2. If no multi-number palindromes can be constructed, the function may return
just one number (as a single number, alone, is a palindrome).
3. If there is more than one possible longest palindrome, your function can
return any one of them.
For example, if numbers_bank=[3, 47, 6, 6, 5, 6, 15, 3, 22, 1, 6, 15],
Then the call construct_a_longest_palindrome(numbers_bank) could return:
[6, 15, 6, 3, 47, 3, 6, 15, 6] (Which is a palindrome of length 9, and
there is no palindrome made only with numbers from numbers_bank that is
longer than 9).
Implementation requirements:
1. You may use one ArrayQueue, one ArrayStack, and one ChaniningHashTableMap.
2. Your function has to run in expected (average) linear time. That is, if numbers_bank
is a list with n numbers, your function should run in &(') average case.
3. Besides the queue, stack, hash table, and the list that is created and returned, you may
use only constant additional space. That is, besides the queue, stack, hash table, and
the returned list, you may use variables to store an integer, a double, etc. However, you
may not use an additional data structure (such as another list, stack, queue, etc.) to
store non-constant number of elements.
Question 4 (30 points):
Recall the Minimum-Priority-Queue ADT we introduced in class. A minimum priority queue
is a collection of (priority, value) items, that come out in an increasing order of priorities.
A Minimum-Priority-Queue supports the following operations:
• p = PriorityQueue(): Creates an empty priority queue.
• len(p): Returns the number of items in p.
• p.is_empty(): Returns True if p is empty, or False otherwise.
• p.insert(pri, val): Inserts an item with priority pri and value val to p.
• p.min(): Returns the Item (pri, val) with the lowest priority in p,
or raises an Exception, if p is empty.
• p.delete_min() : Removes and returns the Item (pri, val) with the
lowest priority in p, or raises an Exception, if p is empty.
Complete the definition below of the LinkedMinHeap class, implementing the MinimumPriority-Queue
ADT. In this implementation, you should represent the heap using node
objects and references to form a tree structure (a “linked representation” of the tree). That is,
you should construct Node objects with references to their "children" and “parent”.
Note: In class (when we implemented the ArrayMinHeap class) we represented the heap
using an “array representation” of the tree.
class LinkedMinHeap:
class Node:
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
self.parent = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
class Item:
def __init__(self, priority, value=None):
self.priority = priority
self.value = value
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.priority < other.priority
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.size = 0
def __len__(self):
def is_empty(self):
def min(self):
def insert(self, priority, value=None):
def delete_min(self):
1. In the LinkedMinHeap class that you would need to complete (given in the
previous page), we already implemented two nested classes:
• Node – should be used for each node object of the linked binary tree.
• Item – should be used to store the (priority, value) item of the Priority Queue.
2. We also implemented the __init__ method of the LinkedMinHeap class.
Each LinkedMinHeap object would maintain two data members:
• self.root – A reference to the heap’s root node. Initially set to None
(indicating an empty tree)
• self.size – Indicating the number of nodes in the heap. Initially set to 0.
Implementation requirements:
1. You are not allowed to add data members to the LinkedMinHeap object.
That is, you can’t edit the __init__ method, that initializes root and size as the
only data member.
2. Runtime requirements:
• Each one of the insert and delete_min operations should run in θ(log (n))
worst case (where n is the number of elements in the priority queue).
• Each one of the len, is_empty, and min operations should run in θ(1) worst case.
3. You may define additional helper methods.
Hint: You might want to re-watch the beginning of the last lecture (1134 – 5/6 lecture).
We had a short discussion about one of the challenges in representing the heap using the
linked representation of the tree, and we described a way to overcome this challenge.