代写IOT203TC – Sensor Technology代做Prolog

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Module code and Title

IOT203TC – Sensor Technology

School Title

School of Internet of Things

Assignment Title

Individual Project

Submission Deadline

23:59, 11th October 2024 (individual report)

Final Word Count


IOT203TC Sensor Technology (AY2024-25) Individual Project (50%)

1. Introduction

Sensor is a device that collects data from the surrounding environment and produces an output signal that helps to measure physical phenomena. Sensors convert signals representing physical phenomena into electrical form. for the electronic system to understand. Sensor technology can be applied and used in a range of sectors such as environment, manufacturing, safety, security, surveillance, monitoring and general awareness of the environment or phenomena. Sensors can provide critical information about any industry or application, and enable diagnostics, critical care,   process   monitoring,  control,  safety  and   much   more.  A  typical   intelligent   sensor’s structure/system is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A typical sensor system and its structure (courtesy ofwww.mdpi.com),

Note: Acronyms ADC stands for Analogue to Digital Converter and MCU stands for Microcontroller Unit in the figure above.

2. Learning outcomes

As an individual, you need to demonstrate your core understanding of the sensing system, its relevant  components  and  application  in  the  context of  Internet  of  Things  (IoT). You  will  be assessed against the following learning outcomes.

A: Demonstrate   understanding   of    the    concept,   working    principle,    application    areas, measurement circuit and development trend of sensor technology.

B: Apply modern electronic technology, sensor technology and computer technology to solve the problems from information collection and processing in manufacture and production.

3. Coursework specifications

Problem definition

In atypical smart manufacturing factory or scenario, data collected from sensor or smart sensor system/solution play crucial  role in areas such as condition monitoring and decision  making. Some examples of types of sensors utilised in the manufacturing settings include:

i)           temperature sensors (temperature monitoring).

ii)          hall effect sensors for counting.

iii)         Infrared sensor for infrared output of objects.

iv)         Proximity sensors to detect objects’ presence.

v)          Accelerometers/displacement sensors in multitude of smart manufacturing systems such as  motor control, anti-theft, tap detection, tilt, object orientation, vibration, displacement of objects, etc.

vi)         Level sensors to detect fluid levels.

vii)        Humidity sensor to measure humidity, and many more.

Your task is to research, study and investigate a typical  manufacturing  process to  propose a sensor-based solution. You can choose any of the relevant manufacturing sectors. Examples of some of areas include i) precision manufacturing (aerospace/aircraft parts, parts for oil and gas industry)   ii)   materials   (polymers,   chemicals,   silver   compounds,   crude   oil)   processing   iii) automotive  manufacturing  plant  iv)  electronics  parts/components  manufacturing  (electrical wires and insulation) v) medical devices/consumables such as test tubes, and soon.

On the basis of your own investigation and the sector you have selected, you need to determine and  select  3-4  possible  off  the  shelf  sensors  that  can  be  embedded  within  the  respective manufacturing process to  measure one of the three areas  i)  manufacturing  process  itself  to optimise and fine tune the process in terms of process parameters ii) condition monitoring of the equipment to  measure and determine the equipment and its parts condition and/or  predict machine/equipment breakdowns iii) determine material quality through sensor analysis (visual) and fine tuning manufacturing process through adjusting key parameters relevant to the material such as temperature at which processing is taking place. Details of the marking criteria is provided below:

1)   Identify  the   manufacturing   sector   and  provide  discussion  on  the  selection  of  the measurement  function/of  sensors  for  one  of  the  three  areas  of  manufacturing,  e.g. measurement of manufacturing process, condition monitoring measurement, material quality measurement. You need to provide a clear justification for why the specific sector of manufacturing interests you, the reason for the selection of the area of manufacturing measurement and its relevance to the sector. You should use appropriate references to support your  arguments,  e.g.  importance  of  the  manufacturing  sector,  etc. (10  +  12 marks).

2)   Identification of at least three sensors through careful consideration and their selection with  reasoning,  definition  of  their  roles  and  functions  in  one  of  the  three  areas  of measurement function/purpose. In terms of the identification and selection of sensors you need to understand the specific manufacturing scenario in the context of the chosen measurement  process  (manufacturing  process,  equipment  condition  monitoring  or material quality), which will require you to read resources and journal articles. Therefore, your demonstration of understanding the process through careful and correct selection of sensors is important (15 marks). In the context of sensors roles and functions, you need to ensure you clearly define how important each sensor is and what each sensor will be doing for the selected measurement process (15 marks).

3)   Once  you  have  selected the  manufacturing  sector,  chosen the defined  measurement scenario, selected the sensors and defined their function, you need to discuss how the sensor will be integrated and interfaced with the microcontroller and data display system. You also need to define the interfacing requirements in terms of data conversion on the basis of digital or analogue sensor (whichever you have selected).  In this section you thus:

•    Need to show a graphical depiction/block diagram of the overall system which must include  sensors,  microcontroller(s),  display  system  and  interfacing  hardware (10 marks).

•   Clearly define the data conversion requirements from sensors and propose the use of any components such as analogue to digital converters (5 marks).

•    Provide discussion of the data collection and its processing and data flow from sensors coordinated and controlled by the microcontroller(s) (10 marks).

•    Display  of  key  information  through  identification  of  key  parameters  and  possible display options, including the output system, e.g. LCD screen, cloud display, etc. (8 marks).

4)   You  finally  need  to  provide  conclusions  about  your  proposed  solution  and  propose possible improvements in the future with recommendations (5 marks).

5)   You must utilise an appropriate number of references throughout your report. Marks

will be awarded based on both the quality and the extent of investigation and research   you will have carried out to propose the respective solution. Please use the IEEE citation and referencing format.https://ieee-

dataport.org/sites/default/files/analysis/27/IEEE%20Citation%20Guidelines.pdf . (10 marks).

4. Scope and structure of the report

Your report should be based on the marking scheme defined above in section 3. You should thus include all these areas stated within the report. Failing to do so will result in the deduction of marks. The aim of this individual project activity is to enable students to apply their knowledge and understanding of sensors in the context of manufacturing. It will also help students to apply their understanding of sensors to design a possible solution for various problems to fulfil the learning outcomes.

5. Performance descriptors


Point Scale

Criteria to be satisfied




Outstanding work that is at the upper limit of performance.

Work would be worthy of dissemination under appropriate conditions.

Mastery of advanced methods and techniques at a level beyond that explicitly taught.

Ability to synthesise and employ in an original way ideas from across the subject.

In group work, there is evidence of an outstanding individual contribution.

Excellent presentation.

Outstanding command of critical analysis and judgment.


70 - 80


Excellent range and depth of attainment of intended learning outcomes.

Mastery of a wide range of methods and techniques.

Evidence of study and originality clearly beyond the bounds of what has been taught.

In group work, there is evidence of an excellent individual contribution.

Excellent presentation.

Able to display a command of critical thinking, analysis and judgment.


60 - 69

Upper Second

Attained all the intended learning outcomes for a module or assessment.

Able to use well a range of methods and techniques to come to conclusions.

Evidence of study, comprehension, and synthesis beyond the bounds of what has been explicitly taught.

Very good presentation of material.

Able to employ critical analysis and judgement.

Where group work is involved there is evidence of a productive individual contribution


50- 59

Lower Second

Some limitations in attainment of learning objectives but has managed to grasp most of them.

Able to use most of the methods and techniques taught.

Evidence of study and comprehension of what has been taught

Adequate presentation of material.

Some grasp of issues and concepts underlying the techniques and material taught.

Where group work is involved there is evidence of a positive individual contribution.
