代做ECON1011 Economics for Business Semester 2, 2024代写Java程序

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ECON1011 Economics for Business

Semester 2, 2024

“Critique a Celebrity” Assessment

Instructions and Marking Criteria


You will choose a quote from a celebrity (e.g., politicians, social media influencers) made this year. This quote should be related to one of the five main topics covered in this course. Evaluate the validity of the claim(s) made in the chosen quote using economic concepts or theories you have learnt in this course. You will then make a one-minute TikTok-style. video explaining to your audience whether the celebrity’s claim is valid, and why.

Celebrity quote eligibility

The quote you choose must be:

1. Made publicly by a well-known public person – this can be a traditional celebrity (e.g., politicians, activists, famous artists or athletes, etc.) or a social media celebrity, defined to be any account/channel with over 10,000 followers (alternatively, a quote in a post with over 100,000 likes is acceptable);

2. Originally published (i.e., not a re-post) in traditional or social media between 1st January 2024 and 30th August 2024;

3. Expressed in English;

4. Related to one of the five main topics covered in this course (i.e., Housing crisis, Cost of living, Climate change, Inequality, Migration), and in the cases of the first two issues (Housing crisis and Cost of living), be related to the Australian context.

If you submit an ineligible quote at the issue identification stage (see below), you will lose the marks on quote eligibility. However, if you use an ineligible quote in the video submitted, you will receive zero (0) for the entire video.


You need to submit two (2) items in relation to this assessment.

1. Issue identification (10%)

You are asked to identify contemporary economic issues that are being discussed in the public domain. Using the template provided on the course Blackboard site, provide basic background information and a link to your chosen quote (or attach a pdf in the case of a traditional media article). Relate the quote to the topic you have identified.

Save your filled out template in .docx or .pdf and submit through the submission link on the course site Blackboard by Friday, 6th September 2024 15:00 (i.e., 3:00pm) AEST.

2. One-minute video (25%)

Upload a one-minute video of your critique using the submission link on the course Blackboard site. In your video, you should:

(a) Introduce the quote you are critiquing;

(b) Identify a claim in the quote as an economic statement;

(c) Explain the economic concepts in the statement you have identified in (b); and

(d) Correct (if the claim is wrong), qualify (if the claim is partially correct) or validate (if the claim is correct) the claim you have identified in (b).

Your video should target the typical TikTok (or similar) audience. However, for your ease, you may assume that they some basic economic knowledge covered in ECON1011.

Your video should not exceed one minute. You have a 10-second buffer at the end to wrap up – but no new economic contents can be introduced during this buffer. Markers will stop watching at 1 minute 10 seconds.

You can use creative artwork (e.g., images, music) in your video if you have the copyright to use them in your work and make appropriate attributions (see Referencing, below). It is not necessary for you to visually appear in the video. Other people can appear in your video, but they must be over the age of 18 years and sign a Consent Form. (see below).

The video should be saved in .mp4 format (recommended resolution: VGA) and upload through the submission link on the course site Blackboard by October 2024 15:00 (i.e., 3:00pm) AEST. Please see Submit a Video or Audio Assignment with Kaltura for submission instruction instructions.

If you have references, attributions, or consent, fill out the References, Attributions, Consent, or Topic change Form available on Blackboard and submit the completed template as a .docx or .pdf file via the separate submission link on Blackboard.

For both items, you can re-submit as many times as you wish prior to their respective due date.

Changing your quote or topic between submissions

You can change your quote or topic after the issue identification is submitted. However, in such case, you will not receive feedback on your new choice of quote or topic. Course staff will not check the eligibility of your new choice for you. If your new quote is ineligible, you will receive zero (0) for your video.

If you have changed your quote or topic after the outline, fill out the appropriate section of the References, Attributions, Consent, or Topic change Form. (available on Blackboard) and submit it via the form. submission link. Do NOT submit the form. via the video submission link. The revised issue identification template will not be marked but will provide the relevant background information for your markers.

Late submissions

Requests for the granting of extensions must be made online via my.UQ with supporting documentation before the submission due date/time.  If an extension is approved, the new agreed date for submission will be noted on the application and the student notified through their student email. Extensions cannot exceed the number of days you suffered from a medical condition, as stated on the medical certificate.

Where an extension has not been previously approved, a penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark allocated for the assessment item will be deducted per day for up to 7 calendar days, at which point any submission will not receive any marks unless an extension has been approved. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the time the submission is due.

Marking criteria

The whole assessment (issue identification and the final video) is worth 35% of the course total marks.

Issue identification (10 marks total):



Verifiable link/pdf of the quote provided


Quote made by an eligible person


Quote published within the specific timeframe


Related topic appropriately identified




One-minute Video (25 marks total):





Identification of an economic statement


Explanation of economic concepts


Correction/qualification/validation of claim




Organisation and clarity






See Appendix A, below, for detailed marking criteria and standards.

Referencing and attributions

If you use the ideas or works of others in your submission you must reference them. This is an academic requirement – you may be liable for plagiarism if you do not acknowledge the resources you have used. See UQ’s Guide on plagiarism.

Since you are submitting a video, you will not have in-text references. However, you should put your reference list in the Reference section of the References, Attributions, Consent, or Topic change Form (available on Blackboard) and submit it along with your video. Please use APA 7th referencing style. – see UQ Library’s guide on APA 7th.

There is no need to reference lecture slides from this course, nor do you need to reference the quote you are critiquing – because its bibliographical information would have been included in your issue identification submission already.

Likewise, if you have used creative artworks that are not created by you, you should fill out the Attributions section of the References, Attributions, Consent, or Topic change Form.


· Be precise! Pick one claim in your quote and focus on that one claim. Don’t be overly ambitious.

· Don’t spend time repeating the whole quote unless it helps. You can display it on screen to save time.

· Do NOT try to shorten your video by playing it at a higher speed. Past markers of similar assessment items told us that those videos are inaudible.

· We understand that people have accents. It should be emphasised that accent is NOT a marking criterion (beyond basic understandability). However, if you are worried, consider captioning your video.

· Likewise, we understand that you are students. As such, the technical quality of your aids, beyond being clear and effective, is not a marking criterion. For instance, hand-drawn graphs are considered just as good as computer generated graphics.

· If you want to use creative works (e.g., images) in your video, try searching Creative Commons. See UQ Library’s guide on finding and using media.
