Database作业 :

Technological and Higher Education Instituteof Hong KongBachelor Science (Honours) ofInformation and Communications

CS348 - Fall 2018 - Project 2PL/SQLDue: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 11:59PM on Blackboard(There will be a 10% penalty for

Objective:The objective of this course project is to provide a realistic experience in the design process of arelational

CO539 Coursework 1IntroductionMicroblog SiteFor this piece of Coursework, you are going to use the CodeIgniter MVC framework

Marketing and Business Analytics IndividualAssignment1. This assignment accounts for 22% of your final mark.15% from the

336 PROJECT – 2018- DEFAULT (group of 2)Bar-Beer-Drinker PLUSWe will extend the bar-beer-drinker scheme, with information

336 PROJECT – 2018- DEFAULT (group of 2)Bar-Beer-Drinker PLUSWe will extend the bar-beer-drinker scheme, with information

336 PROJECT – 2018- DEFAULT (group of 2)Bar-Beer-Drinker PLUSWe will extend the bar-beer-drinker scheme, with information

CITS1402 RDBMS Assignment Project DescriptionSemester 2, 2018Business ScenarioThere is a client who runs an online

CSE2DBF 2018Assignment 2 (20%)Due date: 11.59pm Friday, Week 5, 19 OctoberAIMS AND OBJECTIVES:ü to perform queries on a
